VOG5W Ref. 1760/15-16-18-19 video door phone firmware update | 1.4.0-21
CHANGE LOG : stability and performance improvements.
To update the video door phone: 1) decompress the downloaded file; 2) copy the .zip file decompressed in the previous point (1760.16_v1.4.0-21_fup.zip) on micro SD; 3) insert the micro SD into the video door phone; 4) restart the video door phone using the restart button in the hole located on the lower right side of the device.
For further details, refer to the following booklets in the related section:
-) PARAMETER CONFIGURATION MANUAL (DS1760-018) paragraph 3.16 (for video door phones 1760/15-16);
-) PARAMETER CONFIGURATION MANUAL (DS1760-041) paragraph 3.15 (for video door phones 1760/18-19).
zip 17.50 MB | 30 Oct 2024 | ID: 678159