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Products Access control

Access control

Full accessibility, but in smart mode

Opening doors has never been easier or safer.

Urmet access control consists of a range of the most advanced solutions to give you total control over the entrances to any location (private home, office, bed and breakfast, etc.), only allowing authorised persons to enter. Our smart devices always guarantee maximum security and ease of use, with the benefit of saving on lock maintenance, thus reducing costs.

Your house key is your smartphone

Urmet’s access control consists of an electronic device and an application, which combine various openings within a single system.

Greater security

Urmet’s access control guarantees maximum security with the military-grade SHA-256 encryption protocol. If you lose your smartphone, you can destroy and renew your keys in an instant.


Urmet access control is compatible with any electric, electromagnetic, or electromechanical lock.


Urmet access control is universal and continues to operate alongside the previously used opening system.

Make every type of access smart

See the products
smart Access range


Digitise all your keys and open the door to your home with your smartphone. Ditch your mechanical keys and generate secure and customisable Digital Keys that you can share with friends, family, service personnel, employees, guests, and more…

Smarten up your locks

Digitaliza all keys. Move on from metal keys and generate secure, customized digital keys for friends, relatives, service staff, employees, guests and anyone else who needs to open your secure locks.

Invite and manage users by remote. Invite guests simply by sending them keys via sms or e-mail and control where and when they can access through their personalized access calendar.

Open with your smartphone. Users with access permission can open locks simply by tapping on the button in the App. Too much? Set your locks to open automatically or with the Knock-Knock mode when you are in range.

App Urmet Sclak

With the Urmet SCLAK app, it is possible to open the door by tapping the button: in this way, via Bluetooth, the smartphone transmits the command to the SCLAK device installed near the entrance, and allowing its opening. The Urmet SCLAK app manages 4 user profiles (Installer - Administrator - Owner - Guest), each of which has different levels of access. It is available on the stores for iOS devices version 8 (or higher) and Android devices version 4.3 (or higher).

App store Google store

Ideas and solutions

Your smart home

The smart home that makes your life easier. Check lights, thermostats, household appliances, and more, from any location. Turn your home into a smart and convenient place, making every moment a comfortable and effortless experience.

Your safe home

A secure home protects you, your family, and your property, thus reducing your financial risks and improving your quality of life. Investing in your home’s security is a wise decision that can bring long-term benefits.